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Date of Birth
Disconnection Date
StateNew South WalesNorthern TerritoryQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoriaWestern Australia
1. I declare that I am the authorised customer and that I apply for disconnection of electricity and/or hot water to the above address on the terms and conditions set out in this document. 2. I consent to iGENO or its representative taking all steps necessary to disconnect the service, and grant iGENO or its representative access to the property for the purpose of obtaining a final meter reading. 3. I acknowledge that I am responsible for the payment of electricity and/or hot water supplied to the property until such time that I give iGENO at least 3 business days written notice of the date on which I vacate or intend to vacate the property, and provide a forwarding address to which a final bill may be sent. If no forwarding address is provided then I agree that I will be responsible for any charges incurred under the Intermediary Sale of Energy Agreement until such time that I provide a forwarding address to iGENO. 4. I understand that a final meter read fee will apply to my vacation of the premises and that this fee will appear on my final account.
Agree to Terms and Conditions